Educational institutions are hailing Cloud ERP

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Educational institutions are hailing Cloud ERP and this is why it will stay

This is why it will stay ERP revolutionized industrial practices due to cost advantage and the ability to connect instantly with business systems. While Schools, Colleges and other institutions face difficulties in cross departmental communication, ERP goes a step ahead and cuts down on the need to maintain software tools on every system. Here are more use cases..

Single point of storage – no multiple software tools needed

ERP systems are cornerstones of processing and extracting volumes of data captured from different users, each assigned a distinctive role.

For example, retrieving admission results and calculating scholarship for deserving students can be performed on a single dashboard by the authorized users. Faculty and Accounts can be instructed and asked for exclusive information while you process this info into an exclusive report on scholarship.

Command and monitor from the mobile

Staff including teachers can mark their attendance from the mobile app. The entire data updates itself to the ERP system. The Principal being the authorized user can monitor from a mobile. This is just an instance of asking for information and getting it updated instantly from the mobile.

Detailed analysis as and when asked

ERP tools are tuned to perform automatic reporting of fetched data. So, the next time all teachers update their class’ results, you being the authority can get in depth analysis of the overall performance of the school with just a tap. Total no of students who passed / failed, toppers, best performing teacher, class, etc. can all be retrieved within minutes.

Quick information exchange with connected departments

The Transport department and the Faculty can share attendance information of all students through their respective devices. Similarly, the Accounts department can access employee attendance from the common dashboard and calculate any deductions, bonuses, etc. Taking a leap, parents can also be included under separate department who can access their child’s performance and other information from the tool.

Accuracy and Transparency

Student attendance captured in multiple systems (such as Faculty / Accounts) results into duplicity. A centralized system with various views for different departments eliminates such inconsistencies and the information changed by one user updates for everybody automatically. This could be immensely instrumental in catching data frauds and illegitimate manipulation.

An ERP system for an institution can handle complex relationships effectively. Managing dynamic data and retrieving valuable information out of it can troubleshoot many issues.

Ultimately, it’s the developer approach that lays the foundation for a faultless solution.
What’s more with School ERP? Know here


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