Why Your Business Needs to be Mobile Ready?

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Mobile Ready

A look at most advertisements, be it digital and/or television based, seem to urge you to download their mobile app and sample their product or service. Likely this step comes after exhibiting the superior qualities and the USP that a product offers to their customers. Most customers browse predominantly through their smartphones, both for information and purchase purposes. It does not matter what size your company is or how many products your line up supports.

With this knowledge in mind, would it not be beneficial to have a mobile app tailored to position your product/service in a secure, yet easy-to-reach way.

6 reasons for your business to be mobile ready

Customer Engagement: The fact that each customer can download an app, requires an effort, however minimal, on the part of the customer to check out the product/service and allows the customer to verify that the promises made by advertising are indeed true and hold up to scrutiny.

Point of Sale: A mobile app, like its counterpart—the website, of a company allows the customer to browse through the various offerings, choose their preferred product, and buy it immediately. A customer instantly connects to the product and can buy what they want without further delays or leaving a gap between ‘want’ and purchase, making it wholly beneficial to the company.

Ease of use: Some of the best designed apps have minimal number of pages for their customers to navigate from the homepage, browsing and adding the product to their shopping cart, and to the check out counter where it connects to an online payment gateway. The structure and design of the app has to feel intuitive to a first-time user of the app; the user should feel guided to the next step of the process by the app without feeling encumbered by the navigation. Otherwise, the customer may give up after the second or third attempt.

Visibility: Having a mobile app announces that you are serious about connecting with your customers in their preferred way in a way that they would be comfortable in judging whether your product falls within their requirement or not.

Customer profiling: Based on the customer’s usage of your app, you will be able to glean information based on previous purchases, age, preferred products, marital status, browsing history which will give you an advantage of what kind of products to pitch to them in the future. All this will result in continued customer delight.

Legitimacy: Having your mobile app in Google Play Store and Apple Store adds a legitimacy to your company and its products. These are the most popular and trusted platforms for launching your app and uploading them is very easy and costs only $5 for uploading an app into the Google Play Store.

Learn more on how easy it is to get your app up and running on the Google Play Store and the Apple Store

For Google Play: http://www.instructables.com/id/Publishing-an-Android-App-to-the-Google-Play-Store/

For Apple Store: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/SubmittingYourApp/SubmittingYourApp.html


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